The Roulette
As simple as that.
Last updated
As simple as that.
Last updated
BonesBet Roulette game consists of 12 numbers and 3 colors - black, red, and green. Players are only allowed to bet on colors, and the payout depends on the color chosen.
Here's the official contract:
The game has been designed to be fair and transparent, thanks to Chainlink technology used in its development. This level of transparency is essential for us, and BonesBet has taken the necessary steps to ensure that its players can trust the integrity of the game.
Connect your crypto wallet and sign, in order to allow deposits/withdraws of AVAX but also agree with our Guidelines. More info here on how to add AVAX to your wallet and get it ready.
Enter the amount of AVAX you want to bet on this round. Keep in mind that every color has a max bet capacity, depending on the actual bankroll. Currently, the total max bet is 25 AVAX, including green which has a lower individual max bet of 4.16 AVAX.
Chose between black, red or green.
Black - for a x2 multiplier
Red - for a x2 multiplier
Green - for a x12 multiplier
After picking a color, you have to validate a transaction in your wallet. Once it's done, you can repeat the operation, or just wait for the 'SPIN' button to be available.
After each round, there is a cooldown of 60 seconds to let players bet. After that, any player can simply spin the roulette, and the next round will begin for everyone, in realtime.
If you win a round, you'll be able to withdraw your pending AVAX on the top right corner, by clicking on the orange AVAX button, then the 'Claim' button.